General Maps
Distrct Maps - navigable maps to find sites within Evansville neighborhoods
List of Neighborhoods
Country Roads - a list of historic country roads in the area and their history
Projects - a list of major projects in Evansville over the years
Evansville Railroad maps
Evansville boundaries and wards
Bird's-Eye View Maps
Evansville c1856
Panoramic View of Evansville, Ind. 1880
Perspective Map of the City of Evansville, Ind 1888
Street Maps
List of streets - compilation of all roads past and present
Sanborn Maps - View historic Sanborn Maps of Evansville with detailed street views
Indiana 1838 - state map with inset of city
Evansville and Lamasco City 1852 - state map with inset of city
Evansville and Lamasco City 1856
Vanderburgh County 1857
Evansville 1860s - street map of Evansville including in the late 1860s
Vanderburgh 1875 - detailed map of Vanderburgh County
Indiana 1876 - detailed map of Vanderburgh County and Evansville
1880 Vanderburgh County Atlas - extensive map of Vanderburgh County and its townships and Evansville and its wards
1892 Evansville
Evansville 1890 - street map of Evansville area
1899 Vanderburgh County Atlas - extensive map of Vanderburgh County and its townships and Evansville and its wards
Vanderburgh c1930 - extensive map of Vanderburgh County and its townships
Greater Evansville 1946 - street map of Evansville and Vanderburgh County
Vanderburgh 1974 - extensive map of Vanderburgh County and its townships
1908 Postal Routes Vanderburgh
1920 Highway Map
1923 Indiana (before renumbering)
State Highway Sytem 1923 (after renumbering)
1929 Road Map Vanderburgh Co
1929 Road Map Evansville - highlights Rural Routes
Evansville map c1929 - highlights street renumbering (IU listed)
1931 Indiana State Map - includes Evansville map
1937 Vanderburgh Co Map
1946 Indiana State Map - county crop and city insert
1945 Evansville street map
1946 Evansville Indiana and environs not 6-page 1946
1927 Kentucky, Tennessee - shows much of Evansville/Tri-Sttate
1940 Kentucky - Tennessee - shows most of Evansville/Tri-State area
Other Historic Maps
Other maps - additional maps of the area mostly of Vanderburgh Co
1875 Geological Survey Vanderburgh Co
1898 Geological Survey Southwestern Indiana
1916 Henderson Quadrangle - River map / Union Township geological