Accompanying slides for the Forest Hills / Reitz Hill walking tour. Tour was originally held 2019 for Retiz's 100th, but slideshow created 5/28/2024 for Historic Preservation Month.
Slideshow for the walking tour of Lincolnshire neighborhood. Originally held 5/13/2024 as part of Historic Preservation Month.
Slideshow for the Old Evansville walking tour for Vanderburgh's Bicentennial Celebration. Originally held 6/7/2018.
Slideshow of the walking tour highlighting the old town of Lamasco. Tour was originally held 2014 and was hosted by VCHS and Lamasco Bar.
Featured speaker on episode 202 highlighting historic homes and schools. Aired 5/12/2016
Slideshows for North Main (the southern section from roughly Lloyd Expy to Columbia St).
Featured speaker for the Top 9 show episode about events that changed Evansville. Aired 1/29/2015
Slideshow of the walking tour highlighting breweries, bottling companies, and other old structures. Tour was originally held 10/17/2013 and was hosted by VCHS and Tin Man Brewing Co.
Postcard book by Arcadia Publishing featuring 200+ historic postcards. Released October 2012
Articles written for as their Evansville history expert -- please excuse the junky ads
Presentation for St. Anthony's 125th Anniversary including details about the city and the Lamasco / First Ave area Originally given 6/9/2012
Docent for home at 420 SE Riverside Dr during fall 2011
Part of Historic Preservation Month given with Fred Mulfinger May 2009