
Historic Evansville

The definitive site for all things historic in Evansville

Here are 20 random photos from our archive. Hit reload to see more.
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Residence of T H Jenner

Lincoln Negro school

Ice cream plant & ice cream delivery trucks, Fred Miller Bakery & Ice Cream Co 1

New homes in Lincolnshire neighborhood

Washington Theater grand opening

Fire at Standard Industrial Products plant

Laval Block

Aerial view of Imperial Desk

North Side Bank being erected at corner of Main and Division Streets

Parsons & Scoville Co.

American Trust & Savings Bank 1929 ad

American Trust and Savings Bank

Columbia and Fulton

Old home at corner of Iowa and Third

Howard Roosa undergoing renovation

Viehe Residence

Woodmere, Southern Indiana Hospital for the Insane

Evansville Country Club c1978

Union Station

Franklin St looking west from 10th St

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