
Historic Evansville

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Stremming Lumber Co

Stremming Lumber Co


Stremming Lumber Co

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1031 W Missouri St / 1101 N Fourth Ave, old 112 E Louisiana St / 403 Heinlein Ave
Evansville, IN

Quick Timeline

c1890 built
c1940 Factory expanded
c2008 Destroyed by fire


North side Louisiana (Missouri) between Heinlein (Fourth) and Third / Northeast corner of Missouri St and Fourth Ave
District: Lamasco
Latitude: 37.987958
Longitude: -87.578533
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stremming lumber co chas f schlueter began furniture making out of house fourthave1102n obtained/built a small shed 1894 and established his workshop manufacturer of saloon office and store fixtures

gone >1906 <1922 Mutual Furniture Co incorporated 1920 in old building new factory built 1920 for mutual furniture co (just temp quarters or replaced old building) c1890/c1940 1936 craddock moves to Indiana Stove Works

<1938 - >1959 stremming lumber co 1101-3 N Fourth Ave burned down c2008

See also Businesses / Commercial Lamasco district

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