
Historic Evansville

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Zion Baptist Church

Zion Baptist Church


Zion Baptist Church

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1901 S Elliott St
Evansville, IN

Quick Timeline

1920 Zion Baptist Church is built
1967 Zion Baptist moves to new location
1968 Roof collapses and church is razed


District: Oakdale
Latitude: 37.950599
Longitude: -87.558975
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zion baptist church zion missionary baptist church hudsons chapel organized 1910? in "sand pit" north of riverside dr little zion baptist 1906? s elliott oakdale zion baptist church 1901 s elliott 1920 little zion baptist [1940] built educational building at 1800 S Governor c1962 (oakdale school area) footprint looks like old oakdale school (used temporarily?) built new church ajoining education bldg 1967 and moved, abandoned old bldg roof collapsed 1968 elliot and cross now lot

See also

Evansville Courier - Zion Baptist pastor has served church 19 years (1949)
Evansville Press - Old church roof, walls collapse (5/14/1968) Churches / Religion Oakdale district

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